How to use Python on a PC, Mac, Chromebook or iPad

For this class a PC is recommended and will cause you to have the smallest learning curve.


Python on a PC


Moodle provides the Python installation file for free and installs very easily on your PC or Laptop under operating system Windows 10.


Python on a Mac


The Mac comes with Python on it; the PC must download and install it. We will be using Python 3.8 or newer. I do not know which version of Python is on your Mac. I have the Mac-book Air and it has Python 2.76 and Python 3.8.1 on it. Any Python equal to or newer than 3.3 is fine for this class. (You CANNOT use Python 2.7 for this class).


I have had one student in the past make it through the class with a Mac but she worked at the Mac store and was a computer expert. I do not wish to see any issues with the Mac interfere with your grade. Ultimately the choice is yours, but officially my answer is, you must use a PC.


To start Python on a Mac, you must get to a terminal prompt and type "idle3" without the quotes to begin using Python. Then, from the file menu choose File, New and type in your program and then save it and then run it.


Upgrade to Python on a Chromebook


Step 1— Install Python prerequisites from the Linux terminal app on the Chromebook:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install build-essential

sudo apt-get install libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev \ libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev

sudo apt-get install libffi-dev liblzma-dev


Step 2— Download and extract Python source.

(Note — If you want to use a later version just replace the version number (3.8.1) in all the next steps with the latest version number.)

cd /usr/src

sudo wget

sudo tar xzf Python-3.8.1.tgz


Step 3— Compile and install Python

cd Python-3.8.1

sudo ./configure --enable-optimizations

sudo make altinstall

(Notes — The altinstall option leaves the original Python untouched.)



Also Python is available for iPad.


Pythonista is a complete scripting environment for Python, running directly on your iPad or iPhone. It includes support for both Python 3.6 and 2.7, so you can use all the language improvements in Python 3, while still having 2.7 available for backwards compatibility.


App Store Preview



Office Location:

Jim Carrier, Ph.D.

Professor - Computer Science

Guilford Technical Community College

Applied Technology, AT-123-6

601 E. Main Street, Jamestown, NC 27282


Direct: 336.334.4822 ext. 50078

Mailing Address: PO Box 309, Jamestown, NC 27282


